
Benefits and Efficacy of Turmeric

Benefits of Turmeric for Health, Beauty Face and Skin

Manfaat Kunyit
Turmeric is a spice commonly used herbs. Almost every delicious cuisine from Indonesia did not escape from turmeric as a marinade. In addition to be used as a cooking spice, turmeric, which has the Latin name Curcuma Domestica Val is also often used as herbal medicine and traditional medicine ingredients.

In fact these days, more and more rampant beauty products using basic ingredients of turmeric. This is not because turmeric is beneficial for beauty. One way to smooth the skin and eliminate black spots on the face.

Benefits and Efficacy of Turmeric

Antioxidants and phytonutrients in turmeric improves overall health. This helps in strengthening the immune system thus making you healthier. Curcumin contained in turmeric also comes with antioxidant, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, and anti-glycemic properties. These properties can strengthen the immune system, thus preventing several diseases, including diabetes.

  1. Turmeric helps wounds heal more quickly, as a natural antiseptic.
  2. Turmeric reduces the chances of developing cancer due to have anti-cancer properties.
  3. Turmeric contribute to cell growth and rejuvenate cells. This way, you can slow the aging process.
  4. Can detoxify harmful toxins and chemicals from your body.
  5. Arthritis can be cured with saffron because it contains anti-inflammatory.
  6. Turmeric can play an important role in preventing leukemia.
  7. Incorporate turmeric in your daily diet can help you improve your immunity levels. In addition it also keeps you safe from various diseases.
  8. Turmeric is a spice that is ideal for you if you want to lose weight, because it can increase the metabolism in your body, helping you manage your weight effectively.
  9. Turmeric can cure pigmentation caused by sun exposure.
  10. Preventing the aging process due to have antioxidant properties.
  11. As one of the components that help moisturize the skin and reduce dryness.
  12. Bruises heal and enlighten burn scars.
  13. Clean the skin, making your skin glow, and bright color.
  14. Helps fight skin disorders, such as eczema, psoriasis, rashes and red, it also helps relieve stretch marks or cellulite.

Regulate insulin
It is one of the roles of turmeric for diabetes. The pancreas produces insulin in the human body, anti-glycemic in turmeric regulate and balance the insulin levels and prevent insulin resistance by decreasing triglyceride blood sugar in the body.

Reducing fat
Diabetes is often accompanied by weight gain. In addition, being overweight is one of the causes of diabetes. So, turmeric helps prevent diabetes by controlling the weight through curcumin content. In addition, the content of curcumin also can eliminate and prevent the accumulation of harmful fats in the body.

Preventing infection
Pathogens such as viruses Coxsackie B4 is said to increase the risk of type 1 diabetes. Antiviral, anti-bacterial, and antibiotics to prevent infection turmeric is ultimately treat and control diabetes.

How to Make Herb Turmeric

Treatment using turmeric can be done in two ways, namely external treatment and the treatment of the. For the treatment of turmeric is usually used as a drink or as a herbal medicine. For external treatment, turmeric can be shredded and used as a mask. Can also be made ointment and placed on the affected part.

For In Treatment
For internal use, you can take a teaspoon of turmeric powder. Can be mixed with milk or sugar. Add warm water, stir, and drink regularly. Drinking every day and see the benefits to your skin.

For Medical Affairs
As for external use, you can make a paste of turmeric with chickpea flour and a little water. Apply this paste as a mask, leave on for 10 minutes, then rinse. See the difference in the skin of your face.

Treating vaginal discharge with Turmeric
For vaginal discharge, you can use two turmeric, a handheld leaf beluntas, one handles sour fruit, a piece of coconut or palm sugar. All material is boiled until boiling by using one liter of water and then filtered. Drink regularly sati glasses a day.

Treating Scabby and Itching
This problem can be overcome by using turmeric is crushed and mixed with oil, then applied to the affected areas.

The exit stimulate breast milk
Specifically women, to stimulate milk during nursing expenditures can use turmeric fertilizer added to the breasts. And there are many more ways of treatment with turmeric.

Okay, good information about the benefits and efficacy of turmeric could be useful for the reader as well. Do not forget to read also the article about the benefits of ginger and galangal benefits .