
Various Medicinal Plants

Various Medicinal Plants

Drug traditional medicine has gained a place in the community. No longer should  lower than modern medicine. Pharmaceutical exploration results prove not just one recipe for one disease. Lots of plants are used as medicine bias, both of which have been scientifically studied or not, according practice ancestor. Then need to be expanded information on traditional medicine in order to protect public health.
In accordance with a back to nature, back to nature, Pharmacy Benefit Life is turning his hopes erosion of the common assumption that herbs / traditional medicine that has been practiced our ancestors of modern people no longer consumed. More than it needs to be realized, by studying traditional ingredients means we have attempted to preserve the nation's culture, understanding how to seek treatment fast, easy, cheap again.
Coarse grass (Imperata cylindrica L.)
These plants including Poaceae familia. Name of area: Rih (Batak), alalang(Minangkabau), LiOH (Lampung), neleleng behavior (Aceh), ki Kusu-Kusu (Tidore).
Description: Habitus bush, chronic, 1-1.5 m high, stems soft, round, short, edged on each book there is hair, purplish white, single leaf, lanceolate, flat edge ,, green; Compound interest, the form of the panicle, 16-30 cm long, two stamens, anthers white, or purple, pistil stalk two; Buni fruit, ovoid, yellow fur;Round seeds, brown; Seraput roots, dirty white.
Chemical Ingredients: roots contain saponins and tannins, while the leaves contain polyphenols.
Usefulness: launched urine, treating bladder stones, kidney disease due to hypertension, pneumonia, asthma, nosebleeds, prospat.
ONION (Allium cepa L.)
These plants include familia Liliaceae. This plant many annuals grown in soil that gets a lot of sunlight. Can be developed through the tuber.
Chemical constituents: flavonglikosida, sulfur.
Uses: treatment of fever in children, flatulence, colds, scrapings, dysentery, hypertension, water fleas, ulcers / sores, swollen breasts / mastitis, launched urine in children accompanied by fever.
GARLIC (Alivium sativum L.)
These plants include familia Liliaceae. This plant grows annuals. Can be developed through the tuber.
Chemical Ingredients: essential oils, saponins, flovonoida, polyphenols, potassium, saltivine, diallysulfide.
Uses: treating hypertension, headache, influenza, dysentery, cough, whooping and brokhitis, ulcers, wounds rusty sharp objects, intestinal worms, menstrual pain, migraines, abdominal bloating, ulcers emerging, ulcers, colds, then make splinters of glass / wood / thorns, asthma, poisonous insect bites.
Bandotan (Ageratum conyzoides)
These plants include familia Compositae. Where the growth in rice paddies, fields, shrubs, garden courtyard, curbs, dikes, and the water's edge. Biakannya developers can be done by seed dispersal. Name of area: babandotan (Sunda),bandotan (Malay / Javanese), wedusan (Java Tenggah).
Description: habitus herb, 10-120 cm high, stems erect or lying, Single leaf, oval, 3-4 cm long, 1-2.5 cm wide, green, Flowers in axillary panicles compound, malairata, length 6-8 mm, hairy stems, petals hairy, green, bell-shaped crown, white or purple, Roots riding, dirty white.
Chemical constituents: saponins, flavonoids, polyphenols, essential oils, kumarini, eugenol 5% and HCN.
Usefulness: dysentery, diarrhea, sores (topical), fever.
Starfruit (Averhoa bilimbi L.)
Starfruit including Oxalidaceae familia. Growing an altitude of 500-meters above sea level. Breed through seed or transplant. Name of area: Limeng (Aceh),selemeng (Gayo), leatherback Asom (Padang), balimbingan (Batak), malibi acid(Nias), balimbing , Blimbing , starfruit (Java), balimbing, calincing, calincing wuluh (Sunda), balimbing fur (Madura), blingbing Buloh (Bali), calene (Bugis),malibi (Halmahera), blimbi (Tidore), cucumber tree (UK), Kamias (Philippines), blibi (Tidore).
Description: Habitus trees, 5-10 cm high; Stems erect, branched, rough surface, a lot of bumps, dirty green; Leaves compound, leaflets 25-45 strands, oval, tapered tip, 7-10 cm long, 1-3 cm wide, light green, green; Compound interest, the bulge stem and branches, hanging, 5-20 cm long, 6 mm petal, violet; Buni fruit, rounded 4-5 cm long, yellowish green; Taproot, blackish brown.
Kandumgan chemistry: Trunk starfruit contains saponins, tannins, glucoside, calcium oxalate, sulfur, formic acid. While the leaves contain tannin, sulfur, formic acid, peroxide.
Usefulness: treat bleeding gums, acne, hypertension, cough, diabetes, goiter, arthritis, canker sores, toothache.
Beluntas (Plucea indicca Less)
These plants include Asteraceae familia. Growing at an altitude of 1000 meters above sea level. Development by cuttings. Name of area: beluntas, luntas(Java), baluntas (Madura), baruntas (Sunda), lanutasa (Makassar), lenabou(East), flower plant fence (Nias).
Description: Habitus shrub, 1-1.5 m high; Woody stems, round, erect, branched; Single leaf, oval, 3.8 to 6.4 cm long, 4 cm wide, easy green, green;Compound interest, pistil forms needles, 5 mm long, dark brown, purple anthers; Taproot, becabang dirty white.
Chemical constituents: flavonoids, tannins, essential oils, chlorogenik acid, sodium, potassium, aluminum, calcium, magnesium and phosphorus.
Usefulness: drug fever, body odor and bad breath, stiff, whitish, waist and hips pain, rheumatism, abdominal pain, menstrual pain, digestive disorders in children.
Bengle (Zingiber casumunar)
These plants including Zingiberaceae familia. Growing at an altitude of 1300 meters above sea level. Breed through rhizomes that sprout. Name of area:Mungle (Aceh), bengle (Gayo, Central Java), bungle (Batak), slaughter(Minangkabau), turmeric Bolai (Malay), gundre boli (Nias), panglai (Sunda),pandiang (Madura), banggele ( Bali), bangles (Dayak), unil makei (Ambon),Bangle (Ternate).
Description: Habitus herbs, annuals, erect, 1-1.5 m high; Green stem; Single leaf, thin oblong, pointed tip, flat edge, hairy, 23-35 cm long, 20-25 cm wide, green; Compound interest, the form of bunches, at the end of the stem, 6-10 cm long, 4-6 cm wide, square tip, reddish green; Root fibers, dirty white.
Usefulness: upset stomach, asthma, rheumatism, roundworms and pinworms, fever for women who just gave birth.
Brotowali (Tinospora crispa Miers. Hook. F. & Thems)
These plants include menispermaceae familia. Growing at an altitude of 1000 meters above sea level. Developer biakannya by cuttings. Name of area:bratawali (Malay), andawali (Sunda), brotowali (Central Java), antawali (Bali).
Description: Habitus bush, climbing; Stems round, woody, surface bumps, becabang, green; Single leaf, heart shape, pointed tip, 7-12 cm long, 7-11 cm wide, green-stemmed; Majumuk flowers, bunches form, teletak on stems, petals three, oval, small, six crown, thread forms, oval, green, stamens enem, light green stems, anthers yellow, light green; Dirty white taproot.
Chemical constituents: alkaloids, tannins flavonoids, bitter substances pkroretin, alkaloids berberina.
Usefulness: cure wounds, sores, scabies, itching, appetite enhancer, malaria, fever, hepatitis, diabetes, arthritis.
CABE JAVA (Piper retrofractum Vahl.)
These plants include familia Piperaceae. Suitable planted in moist soil and porous (many containing sand). Growing up in ketnggian 600 meters above sea level. Developer biakannya through cuttings or by seed. Name of area: long pepper, chili length (Sumatra), chili herbs, cabean, chili sula (Java), JAMO cabi, cabi ongu, and cabi solah (Madura), rica Java (Tidore).
Description: Habitus shrub, creeper, length 12 m; Stems round, woody, twining segmented, green; Single leaf, oval, smooth top surface, bottom surface mottled, 8.5 to 20 cm long, 3-7 cm wide, green; Compound interest, the form of grain, stalk 0,5- 2 cm long, stamens two or three short, yellow, pistil 2-3 fruit, yellowish green; Oval fruit, green when young old red; Taproot, pale white.
Chemical Ingredients: fruit, leaves, and stems contain alkaloids, saponins, and polyphenols, in addition to the fruit also contains essential oils, spicy substance piperine, tetrahidropiperic acids, 1-undecylenyl-3, 4-menthylenedioxy benzene, piperidine, N-isobutyl-decatrans -2-trans-4-dienamiode, and sesamin.
Usefulness: tonic, to clean the uterus after childbirth, cough, disturbed digestion, brochitis, epilepsy, fever after childbirth, strengthens the lungs, stomach, heart, liver, toothache.